Memphis Ruby

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Memphis Ruby Posts Tagged: sidekiq

Josh W. Lewis — March 18, 2014

We had another great meetup at Coroutine tonight! While the initial crowd was small, we had more attendees trickle in for a pretty good turnout. We had pizza, some nice conversation, and two presentations:

Taking an Application from Concept to Reality

Daniel Soskel went over the development process he used for his parts store app. This was a Rails application that he built for his senior project. He showed us how he determined his database structure and data modeling, and finished with a nice demo.

Implementing Sidekiq Workers in Go

Mike Cochran demonstrated a very interesting use case for Go. He replaced his resource intensive Ruby Sidekiq workers with equivalent ones written in Go. Watching these workers run highlighted how well Go’s focus on concurrency and performance can pay off.

Thanks to both of our presenters, and Coroutine for the pizza and meeting space. I am looking forward to the next meeting, where Daniel Pritchett will present about an unknown topic related to Spree Commerce.

Tagged: ruby, rails, sidekiq, go